Journey from Impossible 2…..I M Possible.

It’s said by most who are the Real Winners in every spheres of their life……

•Nothing is Impossible & that means I am possible•

I feel FEAR of LOSING is the BIGGEST HURDLE when we face any PROBLEM in our LIFE.

Fear to overcome the hurdle always prompts us to say “ IT’s IMPOSSIBLE” but to the contrary the same can be done away with a POSSIBLE ATTITUDE who dares to go beyond FEAR.

डर के आगे जीत है•


Why to FEAR for the UNSEEN…

Why to FEAR for the UNKNOWN….

That’s what kills MOST is the fear of Failure and Rejection .

Many a times People haven’t indulged in endeavours due to these 2 things

Let’s make life an eventful remembrance of our very presence on this planet to make POSSIBLE the IMPOSSIBLE through our GOOD DEEDS to make every one us feel we being Human Beings the most advanced form of life.

*Knowledge of Death should not stop us from living with Dignity*

We have to focus on the life and its process, and not on the *END*.

Real fun of our lives is in twists and turns during the course of the very beautiful journey of our life. Enjoy every moment of life and it’s amazing uncertainties and *Go On Going On.*

It’s not impossible…it’s I M POSSIBLE

Just #Thoughts put to #Words


6 Comments Add yours

  1. pvcann says:

    Yes, fear is deadly

    1. PhotoBySiba says:

      Hmm yes….you are right

  2. I really enjoy your posts. Thank you. Janet 🙂

    1. PhotoBySiba says:

      I feel awesome with your kind and inspiring words.

      1. Thank you so much – enjoy this day Janet 🙂

      2. PhotoBySiba says:


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