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Best out of Worst

Best out of Worst

I am sure may be it sounds too much impractical but to be honest it’s damn practical because nothing is permanent here in our life as good is always followed by bad and the vice-versa.

So whenever there is a lean phase in our life be happy of good times ahead.

When everything around seems out of track there would at least a door of hopes still open & just need to be calm and quiet to hear the whisper of God.

God is always the biggest planner and sometimes His plans won’t suit our temperament but no worries in the long run at least I have experienced His plans are always for good.

We meet everyone here for a purpose and either the opposite person let us learn something new or be benefitted by our virtues.Its true and universal always.

He or She who can find the Best out of the Worst is always a winner in life’s race.

Just my own thoughts put to words & hope my readers interact please


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