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Sailing a boat in an Ocean of Fantasy.


Since my childhood I was a pampered Boy with 4 sisters elder to me to see my feet laid on velvety cushion & a little brother younger to see me shine and rise.

May be I am not just a loner here on this Planet who was blessed so.I was always a Roamer or you can say a Sailor on a voyage of “Sea of Fantasy” with Angels from Heaven all there to bless me with uncompromised happiness.

Sometime I feel like those who have never fantasised and lived in a practical world are no better off because only a Dreamer can Dream off any Beauty in Life.

Rest keep engrossed and feel asleep not enough to think & dream.

#DreamBig….it’s my tagline

Dream the Impossible….& it’s I am Possible.

Just thoughts so pure to me put to words.


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