Nudity hidden is a Beauty

Nudity hidden is a Beauty & exposed is a Nuisance.

Isn’t it so ?

Though nothing new in it but it’s a real happening in our life one way or the other.

In the name of Friendship a lot of people come for a purpose behind their friendly hand and when being exposed with the purposeful stride it seems like seeing the same person “Nude under bright Day light”.

•Nudity hidden is a Beauty & exposed is a Nuisance. Isn’t it so ?•

People forget to rely upon a very simple fundamentals of “Human Relationships”that leads the most of them to the destiny of Break-up in today’s so called modern World.

Expecting a lot from the partner/friend and keeping oneself Constant like a Pivot is no less than like a path to “HELL” and the Relationship looks alike a “Distant Dream”many might have ever dreamt of.

Heart 💓 never pretends…’s the sinful mind that plays the Foul Game.

Life is always a “Game of Trial & Error” and out of Churning I get to go along with the “Best ones around the Corner”.

Yes you are very much right

Only small small quakes is a constant happening around me….

but…..Nothing of serious nature

Else how could I have explored my inner within.

Radha…Krishna & Meera a perfect trio.Radha came to the life of Krishna for Romance but Meera as a pure emblem of Devotion.

Purpose without material obsession is a Bliss

But….With a material expectation is again a Nuisance.

Every step I put forth on the path of my Life journey I find myself gaining my own sphere deeper & wider.

It’s your own inner self confidence and I just ignited you with my magnetic burst of 🔥 flame.

The one’s who come for a purpose always fade away fading the way for the Better ones to replace.

Humbly your’s ever….a distant co-Traveller in Your Journey of Life.


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Anonymous says:

    Sometimes the flame of confidence needs to be flickered by others inorder to keep it burning.
    And the flame brightens up your life and when the blaze of the flame falls on you it makes you glow.ameen

    1. CreativeSiba says:


  2. Very nicely written…..

    1. CreativeSiba says:

      Thanks 🙏🏽 Sir

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