L O V E….”Mother & Baby” may be THE BEST combination

Mother’s LOVE is UNIQUE of it’s kind

That was a fine morning and as usual I was at LILUAH GOSHALA near Howah in WB India to fetch fresh COW MILK and this new born calf baby with her Mother Cow caught my attention.


I stopped and clicked this unique bondage of “Mother & Baby”.I would cherish it as a memory every one of us would love too. 


Searching true love….takes me closure to such happenings around us which I always try to portray to remind them of their own surroundings full of such nectar of love.Not just me….we all see so many things/objects around us every day & some are NOISES but some leave an IMPRESSION on our mind.I try always to capture the impressive & thought provoking scenes to create jugglery of words mixed with rich emotions to send a message for the HUMANITY.


#Man ki #Batain 


6 Comments Add yours

  1. Anonymous says:

    Though born and brought up in this Metro I never had the oppurtunity of visiting villages until I got married . My in laws are from Uluberia and I went there after marriage here I saw these hens with their chicks and cows with their calf ducks and their ducklings and me with my only query how do these irrational beings figure out which is their mother . I used to sit watching and thinking they don’t run after some other hen or duck.. which sense organ gives them that sense of bondage between a mother and aits baby….

    1. CreativeSiba says:

      Do you I am happy and I am emotionally happy rather because my simple words and pictures took you back to your yesterdays memories and the bondage of Mother & Baby touched your Soul.

  2. beautiful…. loved the clicks. there is nothing like mother’s love

    1. CreativeSiba says:

      Yes….it’s uniquely UNIQUE.

  3. CreativeSiba says:

    Reblogged this on Success Inspirers World and commented:

    L O V E….unique 4 letter word

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