Life has Turns & Twists

Life has Turns & Twists

l came across a nice message by one of my well wisher & my Boss.

Life flows like a river with unexpected turns may be good or may be bad….

learn to enjoy those turns because those turns may never return……

The meaning if analysed leads to our day to day life full of challenges and unexpected goals we need to meet and if we face every challenge as a turning point of our own wisdom life becomes a learning process else it leads to grumbling and ultimately discomfort/dissatisfaction piles up leading to all agonies.

•Let’s enjoy life as Life is a gift & Life is a celebration•


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Farhat says:


    1. CreativeSiba says:

      WoW 😮

  2. Farhat says:

    Taking all turns and twists of life with open arms one needs to be a great soul thats what I feel # ? when a river flows it takes up different stages and at a point it is also cut off from its main course and an ox bow lake is formed but the river does not stop flowing it just changes its direction and once again it is back into rhythm. Your version of turns & twists took me down memory lane I had long cascade of black hair during marriage it was my hubby who oiled my hair once aweek and those jui mala which am still fond of was brought home and I would them on after bolting our bedroom door coz we lived in ajoint family this is the twist of my life

    1. CreativeSiba says:

      Perfectly said

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