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Sometimes even the smallest thing makes us happy 😊.It may be a roadside flower 🌺 .

That was a sunny ☀️afternoon at “Ann Arbour” a beautiful #Town near Detroit in Michigan state of USA 🇺🇸and I was out with my Nikon D5300 in hand with Nikor 70-300 mm lens.

That was a Salsa 💃 & People were so much joyful dancing to the tune of the music 🎶 on the stage .I was there on a visit to our daughter’s house 🏡with my wife.

There was Summer festival with lots of festivity around & different music bands from across the Europe were rocking the city every afternoon.

A roadside flower….awwww it was unique.

If you have an eye i am sure you can see the beautiful creations of Almighty defenitely.

A giant squirell luckily posed for me….even though It was for a moment only.


Thats the beauty of The Creator & Every creation has a spectator…

Memory cherished…


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